This is it. Nintendo have finally hit the nail on the head with a blue shell. Mario Kart 8 has finally culminated the Mario Kart franchise into what it has always been dreamed out to be. The look, the feel, the speed, the intensity, the exhilaration.
So let me tell you, I have been binging everything point-and-click thanks to Life is Strange. I was not a fan of point-and-click games whatsoever. I thought the genre died along with Monkey Island, years ago. It was always a genre I believed was completely niche, and had no place on the mainstream market. Something that "had zero gameplay" and "no substance". Wow, I can now write this and say that, I was completely, and utterly wrong.
Hey there guys, Welcome back to the all new It has been over two long years since we’ve been...
There is no other action series, that will have my undivided attention like Devil May Cry. For someone who will...
Japanese Role-Playing games have a very precise formula in modern gaming, especially those that are heavily inspired by Anime and...
Review Co- Written by Steven Lechowicz & Aidan Dimevski ‘Us’ follows the story of an everyday (so we think) African...
Eight months ago, I stumbled across this absolute gem by chance, but thought nothing of it... at first. I'm not a huge fan of the "point-and-click" genre at all. However, anything to do with Time Travel, or manipulation of time has always intrigued me. It's something about the whole mystique about time manipulation, and the excitement behind the idea that "it could possibly happen", but we all know that it's impossible.
Walking simulators. Love them, or hate them, if the writing is done right, you're in for an emotional experience. They may not have the flashiest gameplay, nor will they ever be on a Game of the Year list, but they can be memorable as any Triple-A developed title release.
The Nintendo Switch is about to hit it’s second anniversary, as one of the most dominating forces on the gaming...
One Piece is one of the most reputable and respected manga series from legendary Author, Eiichiro Oda. With the manga’s...
Romance JRPGs, it’s an interesting one. Not really high on my radar when it comes to genre’s I love. But...
Discovering the Ace Attorney series back in the day, was an experience I’ll never forget. The moment I booted this...